Treatment of aging عربي | 中文 | Español | Français | Русский | Deutsch | Português | 日本 | 한국의 | भारतीय
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  Main  Treatment  Aging  Medicine  Strategy    Solutions   Story  

  The drug is not for registered drug used to treat diseases of aging.
  Invented in 1993 Tajikistan Khujand city.


An experimental drug to cure aging.

Drug is not for sale.

Plan activities for the year 2015:

Event to demonstrate treatment of aging-experienced verification is planned to be completed in 2015.

Plan activities for the year 2020:

Event to introduce the aging in the international framework of human diseases is planned for the year 2020.

Rejuvenation of the organism or cure aging?!

Demonstration activities, aging treatment carried out demonstration test on animals, experienced. End date for the scheduled demonstration results in 27. 12. the year 2015.

Purpose of event:

To illustrate the presentation of evidence of the treatment of the disease, an aging aging treatment is designed to bring aging as a disease in the international framework of human diseases.

The purpose is to demonstrate the medicines anti aging to force the international community for the lifting of the patent law in favor of copyright.

to all interested persons the organization provides applicable demonstration drug product to use against the aging for the treatment of the subject.

Participants are required to carry information costs to make public the results of its experimental tests of a drug given to them. To demonstrate the required effects in laboratory animals.

Wishing to go along with the demonstration pilot tests, priority is given to the participants from the veterinary station, veterinary clinics, agricultural livestock businesses.

Provided a demonstration drug impurity from cleaned not with the addition of protective ingredient has side effects, which makes the drug for use in treating aging human prohibited.

demonstration of human aging treatment is not a priority in mind that legislative framework to protect the property of the author of the invention. condition of provision of the original drug, anti-aging human discount not contrary to condition the security organization could be considered separately.

    Financial support is provided to harmonize Find an error in translation? Write to us gerontology@rambler.ruScam Warning    

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